Peace is Flowing Like a River w Lyrics Michael O'Brien Sounds of Medjugorje

8-Ball—A "toy" used to divine answers to questions which need only a "yes" or "no" answer.
Abortion—An induced expulsion of a fetus that results in death.
Abuse—Mistreatment of a human being or animal. May be directed at children or adults. Physical, mental, verbal, sexual or even spiritual abuse.
Acupuncture and Accupressure—occult theory of
positive/negative forces (yin-yang) or energies to bring body, mind and spirit into "alignment," or the four meridan lines of the body.  
Adultery— Sexual intercourse with someone other than one's spouse, or (for a single person) with a married partner.
Albert Camus—-Existential novelist who also adopted nihilistic attitudes which are obviously seen in his novels.
Alcohol—-The liquid that is the intoxicating element in fermented and distilled liquor. In various forms from beer to hard liquor. Physically and psychologically addictive.
American Indian Rites— Any rituals, chants, dances, etc. performed by American Indians based on their animistic religions.
Amphetamines—-A compound or one of its derivatives used especially as a stimulant of the nervous system. "Speed."
Amulet, Charm, Fetish, Good-luck Symbol, Talisman— A magically charged object frequently inscribed with magic formulas or Biblical scriptures, having protective powers (demonic) against sickness, other ills and calamities.
Anorexia—Severe eating disorder wherein the person refrains from or severely limits intake of food. Characterized by rapid weight loss, disruption of menstrual cycle, psychological distortions of physical self-image. Often due to sexual molestation.
Apport Magic—The transference of objects through closed rooms or sealed containers by means of the penetration of matter. Supernatural appearances and disappearances of material images in connection with the activities of a Spiritistic Medium.
Astral or Soul Travel—The practice of sending your soul on an out-of-body journey to distant places to discover hidden things. This is a common practice among more advanced New Age and Eastern religion practitioners and Spiritistic Mediums. 
Astrology—An ancient art or psuedoscience "which claims to forecast events on earth, human character and man's fate by observation of the fixed stars and of the sun, moon and planets."
Atheism—The rejection of belief in God.
Automatic Writing—Writing letters, words or sentences either in a waking state or in a trance, which are considered to be messages from the spirit world. Practices of Hinduism, Buddhism, and others.
Baha'i —Fragmented from Islam. Belief that Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (founder of Baha'i) were equal prophets. Denies the Trinity. Jesus considered only one of nine manifestations of the divine being, not our atonement for sins. Salvation by works only.
Barbiturate— A drug used as a sedative or to induce sleep.
Bestiality—Sexual contact with animals.
Biofeedback— A technique of seeking to control certain emotional states, such as anxiety or depression, by training oneself, with the aid of electronic devices, to modify involuntary functions, such as heartbeat.
Biorhythms—Psychological/scientific study of the cycle of one's physical, emotional and intellectual levels; often used to make decisions about one's daily activities.
Black Mass—A satanic religious ceremony which honors Satan and denigrates Christ.
Black Panthers—A militant black organization which was very strong in the 1960's and 1970's. Advocated the use of violence to achieve objectives.
Black Witchcraft —Occult and Satanic power used for evil purposes, involving spells, incantations, hexes, rituals, voodoo, etc.
Blood Pact —A pledge to Satan signed with blood from the person making the promise.
Buddhism—Originally an Indian religion founded by the Buddha (enlightened one). Belief in Buddha, dharma (doctrine) and sangha (order), karma and reincarnation. Goal is to achieve total awareness of self and total being. Follows the Eight-fold Path to overcome negative influences of the world. 
Zen Buddhism is a modern branch which emphasizes meditation to reach intuitive levels of being. Students follow a Zen master. Buddha said, "Work out your own salvation with diligence."
Bulimia—Eating disorder characterized by purging oneself of food by vomiting or using laxatives.
Channeling (Speaking in a trance)—Under the control of demonic power, a Spiritistic medium loses consciousness and deceptively imitates communication with the dead.
Charms—In magic, an incantation or object believed to have special supernatural power.
Children of God—The Family of Love. Established by David Berg. Claims to promote liberty in Christ, such as sexual freedom, substantial alcohol consumption and other immoralities. Berg is exalted and worshipped. Promotes revolution, hatred of parents and authority, free sex, anti-semitism, belief in universal salvation, involvement in occultism/spiritism. Teaches Jesus was immoral.
Christian Science—Founded by Mary Baker Eddy based on the teachings of P.P. Quimby. Considers sickness to be an error and truth will cast it out. God is a principle. Claims no power in the blood of Jesus, denies the Trinity and the deity of Christ. Emphasis on the Mind which does all healing and is all. Considers evil, Satan and death to be errors and lies. Strongly rejects the use of medical expertise and treatments.
Clairvoyance (Second Sight)—The ability to discern objects or information not present to the normal senses.
Cocaine—A drug that is obtained from the leaves of a South American shrub (coca) and can result in severe psychological dependence. Is sometimes used as a local anesthetic.
Color Diagnosis —Colors are symbolic of various meanings. Black: evil, devil, sorrow, darkness; Blue: pornography, sadness, water; Green: nature, soothing, restful, cleansing; Red: blood, sex, energy; White: purity, innocence, sincerity; Yellow: power, glory, wealth, perfection; Orange: adaptability, de-sanctification; Purple: progress, ambition, power.
Confucianism—A Chinese philosophy organized by Confucius, with a religious base of animism and ancestor worship. Emphasizes ethical choices and man's basic goodness, thus humanitarianism and self-respect are advocated. No discussion of God or heaven. 

Crack—A form of cocaine in concentrated form which looks like a white stone. Is smoked in a pipe and is often immediately addictive.
Crystal Ball—A sphere of glass (or crystal) used by a medium to see future events or symbols.
Crystals—Stones cut to display the color spectrum. New Agers believe them to be a source of energy and healing and they are worn as jewelry or placed in windows for those purposes.
Curses or Spells —Curses or the casting/breaking of spells. Curses may be incurred as a result of our sins or the sins of our forefathers (Deuteronomy 27 & 28). Spells are produced by occult practitioners by the release of demonic power through hypnosis, magnetism, mesmerism or some other form of magic resulting in extrasensory influence. Spells stir up love or hate, persecute or defend against enemies, kill humans or animals and heal or inflict diseases.
Death Wish—A conscious or subconscious desire for someone or oneself to die or be severely injured or hurt.
Deism—A system based on the beliefs that: 1) God created the universe but left it to run on its own. 2) The universe runs on a cause-and-effect basis. 3) Man has no essential relation to God. 4) Man can determine what God is like by studying the universe.
Deja Vu—Sensation of having been somewhere before, having already done what one is doing, or knowing someone or something beforehand when it is physically impossible. Used as "evidence" for reincarnation theory. Is usually scientifically explainable.
Diet Pills—Over-the-counter or prescribed medications that reduce the appetite in order for the user to lose weight. Usually high in caffeine, producing nervousness. May be addictive.
Divining Rod—A forked object (hazel tree twig, wire, etc.) used to locate water (water witching or water smelling), minerals or other objects.
Dungeons and Dragons—A game where the player assumes the personality of an evil spirit.
ESP—Extrasensory perception. Knowledge or impressions that come from sources beyond one's senses, usually occult sources. Telepathic if information comes from other people; precognitive if the information is known before the event happens.
E.S.T. —Erhard Seminars Training. Founded by Werner Erhard. A conglomeration of mystical and pseudo-psychological techniques designed to master and rebuild individuals to adopting Erhard's worldview  that everything is relative and subjective (similar to existentialism, but even more self-centered). Reincarnation and that one is his own god are core beliefs. Also, one determines his own environment and destiny.
Eastern Religions—Any involvement in Hinduism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, Islam (Muslim).
Eastern Star—A fraternal organization similar to the Masonic Order, but for women only. Rebekah's Lodge is another example. Also heavily involved in esoteric and non-Christian teachings. Very exclusive and racist. Also includes Rainbow Girls.
Eckankar—A pantheistic, New Age religion which uses various meditations in its practices.
Edgar Cayce—A minister involved in "channeling" who provided "cures" for many sick persons. There are many books by and about him. Mark the appropriate box(es) for anyone who has read any of Edgar Cayce's books.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross—New Age writer who focuses on concepts of death and dying, particularly on descriptions those who have had near-death experiences. Her early works on death and dying, regarding the steps of denial, anger, bargaining and acceptance are sound and useful, however. She has a spirit guide named Salem.
Excursion of the Soul—Soul travel
Exhibitionism—Sexual gratification from exposing one's genitals or other private parts to adults or children who are involuntary observers. 
Fantasies—Imaginings. Inappropriate sexual fantasies would include imagining sex with someone other than one's spouse, imagining watching others involved in a sexual activity, etc.
Feng Shui—Placement of furniture, doors, windows on proper places so as not to offend the spirits in the building.
Fetishes—Objects which become sexually-stimulating, using the object as a sexual symbol or association with sexual activity. The object may become part of a series of acts that lead to sexual activity.
Fornication—Premarital sexual intercourse.
Fortune-Telling or Divination—The art of forecasting future events and reading human character.
Fraternities/Sororities—A social, honorary or professional organization usually identified with colleges. Extensive use of vows, pledges and secret knowledge and practices.
Friedrich Nietzsche—German writer and nihilistic (see definition on page 16) philosopher.
Handwriting Analysis—Study of one's handwriting to detect forgeries, to determine character or aptitude or to diagnose diseases.
Harry Potter—Books and videos with explicit sorcery.
Hare Krishna—Claim Krishna as their personal god. Believe in karma and reincarnation and use mantras (repeated syllables used in meditation). Claim Bhagavad-Gita as scripture. Their aim is to achieve Krishna-consciousness which liberates them from the incarnation cycle. Salvation comes by absolute devotion to Krishna. Men have shaved heads except for one lock of hair. Practice vegetarianism.
Healing Fanaticism—Involvement in "faith healing" cults or with "faith healers" who are involved in sensationalism.
Healing Magic—See Magic: Healing.
Heroin—An addictive narcotic substance made from morphine, a derivative of opium.
Hexes—Spells or curses used in witchcraft, usually to harass or influence a person or persons.
Hinduism—Eastern religion (India). Various sects with beliefs ranging from monism (all is one), pantheism (all is divine), animism (God is all objects), polytheism (many gods), henotheism (worship one god over other gods), monotheism (one god only). Atonement through karmic reincarnation. Salvation through works and/or self-realization. Bhagavad-gita and Upanishads among their
Vedas (scriptures of wisdom or knowledge). 
Homosexuality—Sexual interest in a person of one's own sex. Tends to be used as a term to indicate male-male sexual relationship.
Horoscope—A diagram used by astrologers for divination showing the positions of planets and stars with the signs of the Zodiac; daily fortune interpreted by astrologer.
Humanism—Human reason and scientific innovation are the final authority for life, replacing God. Believe all is matter and energy arranged by chance.
Humanist Manifesto I and II—Written in 1933 and 1973, respectively. Says, "no deity will save us; we must save ourselves," and that this is "the complete realization of the human personality."
Hypnosis—An induced state which resembles sleep and in which the subject (person) is responsive to suggestions of the inducer. (Dr. Paul Tournier, a Christian expert, says every form of hypnosis is an invasion into the personality of the person.)
Hypnotism—Being hypnotized by anyone (individually or in a group) for any purpose.
Hypochondriac—Extreme depression of mind or spirits often centered on imaginary physical ailments.
Immanuel Kant—German philosopher who labeled his position as transcendental or critical idealism, a form of existentialism (belief that being is revealed to a person through his presence and participation in a changing and potentially dangerous world). Belief in that one can’t know spiritual but only the physical aspects of life. He was a student of Immanuel Swedenborg, and occult practitioner of the mid-1700s. See page 631 of Handbook of Cults for more information.
Incest—Sexual intercourse between closely-related family members.
Indian Burial Grounds—Areas considered sacred by Indians because the dead of their tribes were placed there. Supposedly protected by spirits.
Iridology or Iris Diagnosis—Receiving treatment for an ailment, from a person not having formal medical training, which is based on the recognition or distinction of diseases by observation of the iris or rainbow membrane of your eye.
Islam—A major world religion based on the messages of Muhammed. A believer is called a Muslim. Allah is their only God and there is no trinity. Jesus is considered a prophet of Allah, and was not crucified. Belief in works and fate, but no grace. Fasting is a means of atonement. The Koran, their scripture, is a collection of revelations from Allah to Muhammed. No way for forgiveness, only revenge. Based on 7th century Arabian culture and moon worship, but is elevated to a world-wide religion status.
IUD—Causes a spontaneous abortion.
Jean Paul Sartre—A French philosopher who was an existentialist/nihilist and who said, "Man makes himself who he is."
Jeane Dixon—Reading her predictions or belief in her ability to foretell the future.
Jehovah's Witnesses—Founded by Charles Russell in the late 1800's in Pennsylvania. Use their own translation of the Bible (The New World Translation). Deny the doctrine of the Trinity, especially denying the Person of the Holy Spirit. See Christ as a created being, who before his incarnation as Jesus was known as Michael. Teach that Christ offers partial atonement for sins, but man must work out the rest. Believe the second coming of Christ has already happened. Deny hell and punishment.
Judo—A Japanese martial art derived from jujitsu that emphasizes quick movements and leverage to throw an opponent and is meant to be defensive rather than offensive. Steeped in Eastern mysticism.
KKK—(Ku Klux Klan) A racist organization which declares itself as a white, Christian organization. Practices violence and persecution of blacks and other minorities (also other groups such as Catholics and Jews).
Ka-Bala—(Kabbalah) The perpetuation of ancient and secret religious doctrines from Judaism; a metaphysical system with connections to magic and occult practices. Secret knowledge is given to initiates. Has been available as a game.
Karate—The Japanese art of self-defense in which an attacker is disabled by crippling kicks and punches. Steeped in Eastern mysticism.
Kung Fu—A Chinese art of self-defense resembling karate. Steeped in Eastern mysticism.
LSD—Lysergic acid diethylamide, a crystalline compound that causes psychotic symptoms similar to those of schizophrenia.
Lesbianism—Female-female homosexuality.
Levitation—People or objects are raised up and appear to float in the air or sail through the air, as if held or thrown by an invisible hand.
Life Readings—A projected horoscope of one's life; also, a session with a psychic or channeler to learn of past lives (reincarnation) and future events.
Lust of the Eyes—Wanting what one sees, particularly as it applies to sexual lust (e.g. imagining someone undressed while seeing him/her dressed).
Magic: Black, White, Neutral, Healing—Divinely forbidden arts of bringing about results beyond human power (counterfeits of divine healings or miracles) by recourse to superhuman spirit agencies (Satan and demons). See Deuteronomy 18:9-13 on casting spells. Note this is not sleigth of hand tricks.
Marijauna—An intoxicating drug obtained from the hemp plant and smoked in cigarettes.
Marxism—Doctrines originated by Marx and Engels, declared to be a form of materialism. Now mostly social and economic in its theories.
Masochism—The infliction of pain to oneself.
Masonic Order—A fraternal organization (Free masons) which is characterized by esoteric and non-Christian teachings, particularly at its uppermost levels. Exclusive and tends to be racist. Includes the order of De Molay for boys and Rainbow Girls for girls.
Masturbation—Manual stimulation of the genital organs exclusive of sexual intercourse.
Materialism—A philosophy or doctrine that whatever exists is either matter or entirely dependent on matter for its existence.  
Meditation—An altered state of consciousness obtained via breathing techniques, chanting words or phrases (mantra) or use of Yoga or other Eastern Religious techniques.
Mental Telepathy—Communication from one mind to another through occult or supernatural channels.
Metaphysics—The part of philosophy concerned with the study of the ultimate causes and the underlying nature of things or knowledge. It attempts to explore the realm of the extra-sensory, beyond the world of natural experience.
Monism—belief that all is one.
Mind Sciences—General collection of pseudo-sciences which allege that the mind is the ultimate source of reality. Any of the teachings which stress the mind-over-matter concept.
Mirror-Mantics—With the help of a magic mirror, crystal ball, rock crystals or other reflecting object (including the surface of water), a mirror-magician tries to discover things unknown to the person asking him or her questions. Also used for healing and magical persecution. A good example is in the story of Snow White ("Mirror, mirror, on the wall...").
Mormonism—Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Established by Joseph Smith, Jr. Claims to possess priesthoods of Aaron and Melchizedek and establishes a hierarchy within the church. Teaches more than one god and more than one holy spirit. Remission of sins based on baptism in their church. Denies the virgin birth as taught in scriptures. Salvation by works, baptism and obedience. Limits the effectiveness of Jesus' blood. Denies His death on the cross, but teaches He died on a stake. Believes that the Book of Mormon is equal to the Holy Bible.
Necrophilia—Sexual activity with a corpse.
New Age—A hodge-podge of religious systems brought together which includes some beliefs from Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, neo-paganism, mysticism, spiritism, Judeo-Christianity. Emphasis on reincarnation, meditation, channeling, astral travel, vegetarianism, monism, and pantheism etc. Rejects concept of evil, rather interprets as positive/negative energy necessary for balance (yin-yang theory). Jesus was a Christ-spirit and not the only human to be one.
Nicotine—A poisonous substance found in tobacco. Addictive to the user.
Nihilism—Philosophy which denies the reality of existence; therefore, nothing has meaning. Traditional beliefs and values are unfounded existence is senseless and useless.
Numerology—The study of the occult significance of numbers.
Occult Games—Games which call on imagination and/or spirits to role-play potentially violent and dangerous situations. Very secretive and leads to compulsive behavior of players. Example: Dungeons and Dragons.
Occult Jewelry—Jewelry symbolizing any occult activity or interest.
Order of the Arrow—A club which practices and believes in Indian rites and religions.
Ouija Board—A "toy" or "game" manufactured by Milton-Bradley which is composed of a board with the alphabet, numbers and the words "yes" and "no" printed on it and a plastic device with a window in it used to glide over the board to point out answers. One or two may use the board and ask the questions orally or mentally while relaxing enough to let other powers move the device.
Palm Reading—Fortune telling and interpreting one's character by interpreting the lines and configurations of the palms of the hand.
Pantheism—God is in all objects—such as a tree or rock.
Pedophilia—Sexual attraction of an adult to a child which may lead to subsequent sexual activity.
Pendulum—Sometimes called "radiesthesia." Items suspended from a string are used to point to items or places or to rotate in a particular way in order to divine information.
Pornography—A communication meant to appeal to a lewd interest in sex.
Pow-Wowing—See "Charms"
Predictive Dreams/Visions—Dreams or visions which reveal the future or hidden knowledge (counterfeit Biblical prophecy).
Psychic Harassment—The use of telepathy or any of the other psychic phenomenon to bother, irritate or abuse another person.
Psychic Healing—Use of power, energy, colors, visualization, spirit influences to bring about or speed healing to a person.
Psychokinesis—The ability to move objects using occult mental power.
Qigong—"A self-healing art that combines movement and meditation. Visualizations are employed to enhance the mind/body connection and assist healing." A spiritual counterfeit of healing.
Rebellion—Open defiance of or resistance to authority (parents, government, God).
Reincarnation Beliefs—Any belief that after death your soul will experience rebirth into a new body (human or animal).
Reiki—"Reiki practitioners channel energy in a particular pattern to heal and harmonize. Unlike other healing therapies based on the premise of a human energy field, Reiki seeks to restore order to the body whose vital energy has become unbalanced." A spiritual counterfeit of healing.
Rosecrucians—A brotherhood order (headquartered in California) teaching a system of metaphysical and scientific philosophy aimed at awakening the latent powers of man.
Sadism—The infliction of pain to others.
Satan Worship/Satanic Bible—Worshipping Satan, attending a Satanic Church or reading Anton LeVey's Satanic Bible.
Scientology—A healing movement founded by Dr. Ronald Hubbard and discussed in his book, Dianetics, which employs an E-meter in the healing process.
Séance or Spiritualism—Any gathering of people where an attempt is made to contact a dead person or a spirit to receive communication from the spirit world. See Spiritism.
Sensitivity Training—A problem-solving technique which
involves discussing a person's life, job and marriage in a group setting, as well as touching one another's bodies when the lights have been turned out. Shintoism—The indigenous religion of Japan consisting chiefly in the cultic devotion to deities of natural forces and veneration of the Emperor as a descendant of the sun goddess.
Silva Mind Control—A psycho-religious technique which mixes meditation and religion, using biofeedback, TM, yoga, hypnosis and Zen methods. Students learn to manipulate their own brain waves to achieve various states of consciousness (e.g. alpha level) and to contact "spiritual counselors" while in those states.
Soul Force—Any attempts by faithful church members to bring backsliders back to the church by means of mental powers at a distance (remote mental suggestion).
Soul Tie—A spiritual union created by placing yourself in subjection to another person's authority or through sexual intercourse; a blood pact.
Speaking in Tongues—When it is not a spiritual gift, is not used to build up or edify the Body of Christ and does and not glorify Christ.
Spiritism/Spiritualism—A spiritual activity, grounded in the persuasion that people can, by means of certain Spiritistic Mediums, make contact with the deceased (where contact actually occurs with demon spirits and not departed impersonations) and to acquire revelations from the beyond. Church structure imitates Christians with hymns, communion and other practices. Believe in eternal progression toward perfection in human spirits and several planes of existence.
Spiritistic Healing—See Magic: Healing.
Spiritistic Medium—A person under the direct influence or control of demons or evil spirits who possesses occult powers.
Spiritistic Vision/Dreams—Visions leading to sensationalism which promote errant doctrine.
Superstition—Belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown or trust in magic or chance.
Swedenborgianism —The Church of the New Jerusalem. Emmanuel Swedenborg, founder, was a clairvoyant who received information about God from "ghosts." Doesn't accept all of the books of the Bible as the Word of God. Sees Trinity doctrine as perverted truth. Denies the person of the Holy Spirit and rejects concept of bodily resurrection of Christ. Claims the second coming of Christ occurred in the 18th century and we are all now resurrected.
Table Tipping—A particular levitation practice in which a table is called upon to float, usually by having persons place their hands on or slightly above the surface of the table and calling upon spirits to lift it from the ground.
Taekwon Do—A martial art. Various Oriental martial arts seek to use universal energy for self-defense and spiritual development.
Taoism —Ancient Chinese philosophy. Major writers are Lao-tzu (Tao le ching) and Chuang-tzu. "Tao" means "the way." Advocates detachment from worldly pursuits and devotion to natural simplicity. Venerates "female" qualities: passivity, humility. Uses yoga techniques to achieve unity with nature and the enlightenment of the individual. "Go with the flow" teachings.
Tarot Card laying—Fortune-telling by the manipulation and placing of cards with certain meanings (e.g. seven of hearts is a card of love).
Tea leaves—Fortune telling by interpreting positions of tea leaves in the bottom of a cup after the person has drunk the tea.
Telekinesis—A phenomenon that occurs when an object (table lifting or tumbler moving) is set in motion or a musical instrument is played without a visible or tangible cause.
The Power of Positive Thinking—A book and philosophy by Norman Vincent Peale based on the humanist concept of the mind having power to cause things to happen by thinking (visualizing) them.
The Way—Centered in New Knoxville, OH. Emphasis on "Power for Abundant Living" teaching. Has differing view of textual origins of the New Testament and asserts that the concept of the Trinity is pagan in origin and therefore not true. God is not omnipotent. Denies the deity of Jesus Christ and His virgin birth. Believes death is "soul sleep." Salvation experience must be proven by speaking in tongues and then the person cannot sin.
Theosophy—Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder, was a medium. Heavily influenced by Hinduism and Gnosticism, as in belief of evolutionary path of all mankind through reincarnation. Believe a Christ-spirit that indwelled Buddha, Hermes, Zoroaster, Orpheus and Jesus is awaiting its return shortly. Teaches self-salvation through esoteric (secret) knowledge.
Transcendental Meditation—A particular kind of meditation which uses mysticism and breathing/relaxing techniques to achieve altered states of consciousness. Claims to reduce stress and tension, improve health, increase productivity and self-confidence, heighten intelligence and creativity and reduce the need for drugs. Uses mantras, Sanskrit words or repeated syllables used to produce meditative state.
Transvestism— Sexual gratification through cross-dressing, that is, wearing the clothes of the opposite sex. Does not necessarily denote homosexuality.
Unitarianism —Unitarian Universalist Church. Claims there is one God, a solitary entity, rather than the Trinity, and refuses to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Believes in self-atonement and rejects concept of heaven and hell. Refuses to acknowledge the Bible as inspired by God or infallible.
Unification Church—"Moonies." Combination of pseudo-Christian, mystical, psychological, philosophical and charismatic elements. Reverend Moon's writings are considered the final authority. Sees Jesus as imperfect and Moon as greater than Jesus. Uses brainwashing techniques and arranged marriages.
Unity—Unity Church Universal. A gnostic cult and pantheistic metaphysical system which emphasizes mental healing and reincarnation. Sin, disease and death can be overcome by right thinking and living. Sees the Bible as one source among many which contain truth. God is a principle or force, not a Person, within each person. Denies Jesus as Christ and instead claims all men have the Christ spirit within them.  
Voodoo—A religion that is derived from African polytheism and ancestor worship and is practiced chiefly in Haiti.
Vows—A solemn promise one is bound to, i.e. " vow that I will never..." or " vow that I will not ..."
Voyeurism—The seeking of sexual stimulation by watching something sexually arousing. ("peeping Tom")
Wart Treatment—Ritualistic in nature, i.e. putting a hair of the afflicted person in a hole made in a tree.
Water Witching or Water Divining or Water Smelling—Locating water using a Divining rod or other occult methods.
White Witchcraft—Occult use of power supposedly for good purposes, such as healing, prosperity, fertility, etc.
Wicca—A religion influenced by pre-Christian beliefs and practices of western Europe that affirms the existence of supernatural power (as magic) and of both male and female deities who inhere in nature, and that emphasizes ritual observance of seasonal and life cycles
William James —American psychologist and philosopher who believed in radical empiricism and pragmatism (truth is based on personal experience).
Yoga—A form of meditation from India which emphasizes self-control over one's body and spirit. Usually done in a "Buddha" position (crossed legs).
Zen Meditation—Stresses self-discipline and use of meditation in order to attain direct intuitive insight. Sometimes uses "tantra" which is a sexual mystic experience.
Zodiac Signs—Twelve astrological signs based on a belt of constellations. Person's birth date determines his or her sun sign of the Zodiac (the main sign used).
Zoroastrianism—Persian in origin. Has similarities to Christianity in that it teaches monotheism, the coming of a Savior, resurrection of the body, judgment and eternal life. However, they believe that the spirit of evil is as powerful as their god and cannot be defeated. Their god is not a personal one. Worship is ritual only. Salvation by works. Believe good outweighs bad and that is heaven. There is a lack of righteousness in their god. Practice involves superstition and occultism.
DELIVERANCE PRAYER - I say my own name in the blanks

I bind the strong man over this temple in the name of Jesus Christ. I plead the blood of Jesus against or on anything ________has touched, is touching or will touch. I bind all outside demonic activity and all the forces of evil in, around, about, beneath and outside __________ that would try to interfere including principalities, powers and rulers of darkness, forces of spiritual wickedness, spirits of distraction, deception, confusion, repression, witchcraft, strife, stress and competition.
I bind the carnal and passive mind of __________ and command it to cease and be shut down in Jesus Christ's name. We refuse the carnal and passive mind from interfering in any way. I command those voices of evil spirits to be silenced. I bind and forbid them from communicating with each other and with the outside spirit world. I bind the forces of evil from this room and from having any knowledge of what is or what will take place in these rooms. I bind and break the power and effects of all doorkeepers and gatekeepers in Jesus? name be gone. In the name of Jesus, I claim absolution for __________ from all negative schemes that have heretofore been set in perpetual motion such as bottomless holes, endless needs, repeated conditions, problems without end, and mazes.
I command that Satan's legal rights over __________ be broken, and that all back up systems be destroyed. I command there to be a purging and healing of __________ spiritual being; a purging and healing of __________ physical being. I direct the healing lights of the Holy Spirit to the source of each physical problem. I command a purging and a healing of all relationships; a purging and a healing of __________ personal ministry and a purging and a healing of __________ material being. In Jesus? name, Father sever any demonic link between ________?s soul and spirit and we ask you to completely cleanse, purify and sanctify this spirit.
Father, we actively will __________ soul to you. All evil human spirits be bound, be gone and cast out. All human occult evil spirits be bound, your power and effects of ___________ life are broken. I forbid the forces of evil to use any human spirits against __________. I take authority over the blood line and bind and break any negative transfer from __________ ancestors and all spirits of iniquity passed down from the third and fourth to the twentieth generation since the time of conception within the womb. I break the lines of inheritance in __________ life. We come against all inherited demons in Jesus Christ's name and say be gone in ___________ life. In the name of Jesus, I destroy every legal hold and I renounce and withdraw all legal ground that Satan and his demons and devils feel they have in __________ life. I bind and break the power and effects of all demonic curses, spells, incantations, blessings of evil, bewitchments, enchantments, hexes, cult and occult transfer; all evil effects of sins, all physical transfer, all spirits passed down, all soul ties, evil oaths, commitments, vows put upon __________ and __________ children because of disobedience and the disobedience of ___________ ancestors and family in the name of Jesus.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I come against all former marriages and previous negative unions and break the influence of the present effects it has on the life of __________. Father, in Jesus Christ's name, I erase all negative suggestions and attitudes recorded in the conscious and subconscious mind of _________ I deprogram and break every evil program, negative evil tendency and pattern in _________ I destroy all support and supply spirits and evil networks and past effects in Jesus name. Hypnotic trances, damnations, grinders, puppet strings, evil seedpods, pressures, contracts, hindrances, blockages, fogs, jinxes, false burdens, pulsators and auras into the abyss. In Jesus name, we loose __________ bands of wickedness, undo heavy burdens and let ___________ oppressions go free and break __________ every yoke.
I break the core of evil and I break the fleshly carnal will and every evil desire in Jesus name, over, about, on, or within _________ I command the carnal mind to be silenced, in Jesus name. I command all evil claws, oppressions, barriers, bondages, strings, grudges, stumbling blocks, evil alliances, evil eyes, camouflages, molds, stigmas, bands, yokes, traps, walls, entrapments, mood swings, blinders, masks and plagues in Jesus name to be broken and into the abyss. We pray over the spirit, soul, body, mind, will], emotions, memories, and heart of__________ hi the name of Jesus, I come against words, predictions, power of words, I bind the words, the fear and results of hearing the words.
In the name of Jesus, I close all cult, and occultic and psychic doors and seal them with the blood of Jesus and cut free from all commitments previously made to satan or to cult or occultic societies, knowingly or unknowingly. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break the power and effect of every evil unpleasant memory and every evil word spoken to or over ___________ since conception. I bind and break the power and effects of every evil prayer to or over _________ since conception.
I ask you Lord Jesus to begin to heal all hurts and wounds caused by _________ own sins, all hurts and wounds caused by others, all hurts and wounds caused by ancestral transfer, all hurts and wounds caused by spiritual warfare, all hurts and wounds caused by idolatry, decisions, and wicked works, in the spirit, soul, body, mind, will, emotions, heart and memories by the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus and the healing balm of Gilead: I command __________ to be sutured and healed in Jesus name. Now, Father, 11 ask you to send your Holy Spirit and angels to gather together and restore to its proper place all the pieces of ___________ fragmented mind, _______ fragmented will, and _______ fragmented emotions, and _______ fragmented memories and soul Bring them into proper original and perfect positions as you planned them to be. Thank you Jesus, for all that is taking place and will be taking place because of your love and grace for us. In the name and by the blood of Jesus, Amen.
Deliverance Helps - Deliverance Prayers

Forgiveness, Confessions and Prayers
Fathers, I confess that in the past I have held unforgiveness, sometimes bitterness and resentment in my heart against certain people who have hurt or disappointed me.
I now recognize this as sin and confess it as sin, for you have said in your Word that if we confess our sin, you are faithful and just forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness (1John 1:9)
I do now forgive the following people I can remember, who have hurt or disappointed me. {Insert here the names of all who come to mind}. I now freely forgive all these people and ask you to bless them if they are living. I also forgive myself for all my many faults and failures for you have freely forgiven me.
Thank You, Father for freedom from the load of unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Confessions of Contact with the Occult
Father, I confess to You, that in the past, through ignorance, curiosity or willfulness, I have come into contact with certain occult things. I now recognize this as sin and confess it as sin and claim forgiveness in Jesus' Name.
Specifically I do confess as sin and renounce all contacts, which I have had with the following occult things: {name all that come to mind}.
I also renounce and confess as sin any false oaths, which I may have made to any false god and any idolatry in which I have been involved.
Closing the doors to Satan
Satan, I rebuke you Jesus' Name and I am closing any doors, which my ancestors or I may have opened to you and your demons. I renounce Satan and all his demons; I declare them to be my enemies and I want them out of my life completely.
In the name of Jesus Christ I now claim deliverance from any and all evil spirits, which may be in me. Once and for all I close the door in my life to all occult practices and command all connected and related spirits to leave me now.
Breaking Curses
In the name of Jesus Christ I break any and all curses placed against me by witchcraft and command the curses and spirits from them to return to senders. (Psalm 109)
In the name of Jesus Christ I break any curses of rejection from the womb or illegitimacy which may be in my family, even back to ten generations on both sides of family.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I now renounce, break and loose myself from all demonic subjection; from any ungodly soul ties to my mother, father, grandparents or any other person, living or dead, who have ever dominated or controlled me, in any way which is contrary to will of God and the Word of God.
I thank you Lord for Setting me free. I also repent and ask you to forgive me if I have ever dominated or controlled some other person in the wrong way.

Renunciation of Psychic Bondage
In the name of Jesus Christ I now renounce, break and loose myself and all my descendants, from all psychic heredity, demonic holds, psychic powers, bondage, bonds of physical or mental illness, or curses which may be upon my family line as a result of sins, transgressions, iniquities, occult or psychic involvements of myself, my parents or any of my ancestors (my spouse, any and all ex-spouses, or their parents, or any of their ancestors.
In the name of Jesus Christ I now renounce, break and loose myself and all my descendant from all evil curses, charms, vexes, spells, jinxes, psychic power, bewitchments, witchcrafts or sorcery which may have been put upon me or my family line; from any person or persons or from any occult or psychic source. I renounce all connected and related spirits and command them to leave me now. I thank you Lord Jesus for setting me free.

Cutting Evil Soul Ties
Father I break and renounce, cut and break all evil soul ties, which I may have with, lodges, religious system, adulterer, drunkards, close friends, cults, etc.
 Disclosure: Much of what is in my posts are things I have compiled through the years and I do not know if they have copyrights. What I do know about origin or website I give credit and have tried to always post a link to the origin. I do not market anything in any way on this blog -- I merely hope it will encourage and inspire others.