Here am I. Send me

Dear Heavenly Father,
Heavy on my heart this morning is the question; Who will go to the outcast? (those classed with leprosy in Biblical days -- the driven out misfits, unable for various reason, the rejected ones in our society and families now days)?

I discern that there is a haughty spirited ruling much of mankind.  That the elite, nor the golden glory children who might have to walk away from a parent's inheritance or the pride of life in their worldly status will not go. That there are many who have not eyes to see nor ears to hear the spiritual things or even the inner strength and mental discernment to battle the dark-side enemy on behalf of hurting or lost souls. They have no oil in their lamps for lack of reading the Holy Word.

May the mantel of Isaiah fall on me and other Christians I fellowship with.
That's the role model I wish to follow.
Isaiah’s Commission
Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Let me begin this very moment in prayer for ministering angels to be dispersed to surround those who are broken, rejected, frail, hopeless and confused.

Please open my eyes to love as you love, Lord.
Take judgment from me.
Take away all forms of partiality.

Fill me fresh and new with your Holy Spirit and with a sincere servant's heart, filled with compassion, forgiveness, healing hope, generosity, and a humble contrite spirit.

Open the windows of my heart.
Free me from all things that stand in my way like peer pressure, love of money, desires for personal recognition.

Walk with me Lord – that I may walk with you with eyes wide open each new day out into a hurting world with supernatural gifts of blessings, peace, and trust to distribute to least of these that I might encounter.

In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen

Here Am I, Send Me - MercyMe

God Has His People

Disclosure: Much of what is in my posts are things I have compiled through the years and I do not know if they have copyrights. What I do know about origin or website I give credit and have tried to always post a link to the origin. I do not market anything in any way on this blog -- I merely hope it will encourage and inspire others.

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