The 1st American edition of Alexander Cruden’s Concordance (1806)
The 1st American edition of Alexander Cruden’s Concordance (1806)
1 Cor. 15. 45.
Advocate, 1 John 2. 1.
Amen, Rev. 3. 14.
Angel, Isa. 6. 3., Mal. 3. 1.
Ancient of Days, Dan. 7. 22.
Anointed, Psal. 2. 2. / 45. 7.
Apostle, Heb. 3. 1.
Apple-tree, Cant. 2. 3.
Author and Finisher of Faith, Heb. 12. 2.
Babe, Luke 2. 16
Beginning of Creat. Of God, Rev. 3. 14.
Begotten of the Father, John 1. 14.
Beloved, Cant. 1. 13 Eph 1. 6.
Bishop, 1 Pet. 2. 25
Blessed, 1 Tim. 6. 15.
Branch of Righteousness, Zech 3. 8.
Brazen Serpent, John 3. 14.
Bread of Life, John 6. 48, 51
Bridegroom, Mat. 9. 15.
Bright Morning Star, Rev. 22. 16.
Brightness of Father’s Glory, Heb. 1. 3.
Bundle of Myrrh, Cant. 1. 13.
Camphire, Cant. 1. 14.
Captain, John. 5. 14. Heb. 2. 10.
Child, Isa. 9. 6.
Chosen, Mat. 12. 18. Luke 23. 35
Christ, Mat. 1. 16/ 2. 4.
Consolation of Israel, Luke 2. 25.
Corner-Stone, Eph. 2. 20. 1 Pet. 2. 6.
Covenant, Isa. 42. 6.
Counsellor, Isa. 9. 6.
Covert, Isa. 32. 2.
Creator, Isa. 43. 15
Creditor, Luke 7. 41.
Cyrus, Isa. 45. 1.
David, Jer. 30. 9. Ez 37. 24,25. Hos 3. 5.
Day’s-Man, Job 9. 33.
Day-Star, 2 Pet. 1. 19.
Deliverer, Rom. 11. 26.
Desire of all Nations, Hag. 2. 7.
Dew, Hos. 14. 5.
Diadem, Isa. 62. 3.
Door of Sheep, John 10. 7.
Eagle, Deut. 32. 11.
Elect, Isa. 42. 1.
Emmanuel, Isa. 7. 14. Mat. 1. 23.
Ensign, Isa. 11. 10
Eternal Life, 1 John 5. 20.
Everlasting Father, Isa. 9. 6.
Express Image, &c. Heb. 1. 3.
Faithful Witness, Rev. 1. 5./ 3. 14./ 19. 11.
Fatted Calf, Luke 15. 23.
Father of Eternity, Isa. 9. 6.
Feeder, Isa. 40. 11.
Finisher of Faith, Heb. 12. 2.
Fir-tree, Hos. 14. 8.
First-Begotten, Rev. 1. 5.
First-Fruits, 1 Cor. 15. 23.
First and Last, Rev. 2. 8.
Flesh, John 1. 14.
Foundation, Isa. 28. 16.
Fountain, Zech. 13. 1.
Forerunner, Heb. 6. 20.
Friend of Sinners, Mat. 11. 19.
Gift of God, 2 Cor. 9. 15.
Glory of God, Isa. 40. 5.
Glorious Lord, Isa. 33. 21.
God, John 1. 1. Rom. 9. 5. 1 Tim 3. 16. 1 John 5. 20.
Gold, Cant.5. 11.
Golden Altar, Rev. 8. 3.
Governor, Mat. 2. 6.
Gracious, 1 Pet. 2. 3.
Guide, Psal. 48. 14.
Habitation, Psal. 91. 9.
Harmless, Heb. 7. 26.
Head of the Church, Col. 1. 18.
Heir of all things, Heb. 1. 2.
Help, Psal. 33. 20. / 40. 17.
Heritage, Isa. 58. 14.
Highest, Psal. 18. 13. Luke 1. 32.
High-priest, Heb. 3. 1. / 7. 1.
Most High, Luke 8. 28
Holy One of God, Mark 1. 24.
Holy One of Israel, Isa. 41. 14.
Holy Child, Acts 4. 30.
Honey-Comb, Cant. 4. 1..
Hope, Acts 28. 20. 1 Tim 1. 1.
Horn of Salvation, Psal. 18. 2.
Husband, Isa. 54. 5. Jer. 31. 32.
I Am, Exod . 3. 14. John 8. 58.
Jacob, Isa. 41. 8 / 44. 1,5.
Jah, Psal. 68. 4.
Jehovah, Isa. 26. 4. / 40. 3.
Jerusalem, Cant. 6. 4.
Jesus, Mat. 1. 21. 1 Thess. 1. 10.
Image of God, Heb. 1. 3.
Immanuel, Isa. 7. 14. Mat. 1. 23.
Immortal, 1 Tim. 1. 17.
Inheritance, Ezek. 44. 28.
Invisible, 1 Tim 1. 17.
Israel, Isa. 44. 21/ 49. 3.
Judah, Rev. 5. 5.
Judge, Mic. 5. 1. Acts 10. 42.
King, Mat. 21. 5./ 25. 34
Ladder, Gen. 28. 12.
Lamb, John 1. 29. Rev. 5. 6.
Lawgiver, Isa. 33. 22. James 4. 12.
Leader, Isa. 55. 4.
Light, John 1. 9. / 8. 12. 12. 46
Life, John 14. 6.
Lion of the tribe of Judah, Rev. 5. 5.
Living God, 1 Tim. 3. 15.
Long-suffering, Ex. 34. 6.
Lord, Rom. 1. 3. Rev. 17. 14.
Lovely, Cant. 5. 16.
Man, Acts 17. 31 1 Tim 2. 5.
Master, Mat. 8. 19. / 23. 8.
Mediator, 1 Tim. 2. 5.
Melchisedeck, Heb. 7. 1.
Merciful, Heb. 2. 17.
Messenger, Mat. 2. 7. / 3. 1.
Michael, Dan. 12. 1. Rev. 12. 7.
Mighty God, Isa. 9. 6. / 63. 1.
Minister, Heb. 8. 2.
Morning Star, Rev. 2. 28 / 22. 16.
Moses, Acts 3. 22.
Nazarite, Mat. 1. 23.
Offspring of David, Rev. 22. 16.
Only Begotten, John 1. 14.
Ointment, Cant. 1. 3.
Passover, 1 Cor. 5. 7.
Plant of Renown, Ezek. 34. 29.
Potentate, 1 Tim. 6. 15.
Prince, Acts 3. 15. / 5. 31.
Prophet, Luke 4. 24. Acts 3. 22.
Propitiation, 1 John 2. 2. / 4. 10.
Power of God, 1 Cor. 1. 24.
Purifier, Mal. 3. 3.
Physician, Mat. 9. 12.
Polished Shaft, Isa. 49. 2.
Priest, Heb. 4. 14. / 7. 26.
Ransom, 1 Tim. 2. 6.
Reaper, Rev. 14. 15.
Redeemer, Isa. 59. 20. / 60. 16.
Resurrection, John 11. 25.
Refiner, Mal. 3. 3.
Refuge, Isa. 25. 4.
Righteousness, Jer. 23. 6.
Rock, Deut. 32. 15. 1 Cor. 10. 4.
Rod and Staff, Isa. 11. 1.
Root of David, Rev. 22. 16.
Roe and Hart, Cant. 2. 9.
Rose of Sharon, Cant. 2. 1.
Ruler in Israel, Mic. 5. 2.
Sacrifice, Eph. 5. 2.
Salvation, Luke 2. 30.
Samaritan, Luke. 10. 33.
Sanctification, 1 Cor. 1. 30.
Sanctuary, Isa. 8. 14.
Seed of Abraham, Gal. 39.
Seed of the Woman, Gen. 3. 15.
Seed of David, 2 Tim. 2. 8.
Second Man, 1 Cor. 15. 45.
Servant, Isa. 42. 1, 19. / 44. 21.
Shepherd, John 10. 11. Heb. 13. 20.
Shield, Gen. 15. 1. Psal. 18. 35.
Shiloh, Gen. 49. 10.
Solomon, Cant. 3. 7. / 8. 11. 12.
Son of God, Mat. 4. 3. / 8. 29.
Son of Man, Mat. 8. 20.
Sower, Mat. 13. 3.
Spirit, 1 Cor. 15. 45. Heb. 9. 14.
Stone Refused, Mat. 21. 42.
Strength of Israel, 1 Sam 15. 29.
Strong God, Psal. 89. Rev. 18. 8.
Substance, Heb. 10. 34.
Sun of Righteousness, Mal. 4. 2.
Surety, Heb. 7.2 2.
Sharp Sword, Isa. 49. 2.
Tabernacle, Heb. 8. 2. / 9. 11.
Teacher, John 3. 2.
Temple, Mark. 14. 58.
Testator, Heb. 9. 16, 17
Treasurer, Luke. 12. 33.
Tree of Life, Rev. 2. 7.
Truth, John 14. 6.
Wine, John 15. 1.
Wall of Fire, Zech. 2. 5.
Way, Isa. 35. 8 John 14. 6.
Well of Living Water, Cant. 4. 15.
Wedding Garment, Mat. 22. 12.
Wisdom of God, 1 Cor. 1. 24.
Witness, Rev. 1. 5. / 34.
Wonderful, Isa. 9. 6./ 28-29
Word of God, Rev. 19. 13.
Worthy, Heb. 3. 3. Rev. 5. 12.
Yesterday, To-day, & Forever, Heb. 13. 8.
Advocate, 1 John 2. 1.
Amen, Rev. 3. 14.
Angel, Isa. 6. 3., Mal. 3. 1.
Ancient of Days, Dan. 7. 22.
Anointed, Psal. 2. 2. / 45. 7.
Apostle, Heb. 3. 1.
Apple-tree, Cant. 2. 3.
Author and Finisher of Faith, Heb. 12. 2.
Babe, Luke 2. 16
Beginning of Creat. Of God, Rev. 3. 14.
Begotten of the Father, John 1. 14.
Beloved, Cant. 1. 13 Eph 1. 6.
Bishop, 1 Pet. 2. 25
Blessed, 1 Tim. 6. 15.
Branch of Righteousness, Zech 3. 8.
Brazen Serpent, John 3. 14.
Bread of Life, John 6. 48, 51
Bridegroom, Mat. 9. 15.
Bright Morning Star, Rev. 22. 16.
Brightness of Father’s Glory, Heb. 1. 3.
Bundle of Myrrh, Cant. 1. 13.
Camphire, Cant. 1. 14.
Captain, John. 5. 14. Heb. 2. 10.
Child, Isa. 9. 6.
Chosen, Mat. 12. 18. Luke 23. 35
Christ, Mat. 1. 16/ 2. 4.
Consolation of Israel, Luke 2. 25.
Corner-Stone, Eph. 2. 20. 1 Pet. 2. 6.
Covenant, Isa. 42. 6.
Counsellor, Isa. 9. 6.
Covert, Isa. 32. 2.
Creator, Isa. 43. 15
Creditor, Luke 7. 41.
Cyrus, Isa. 45. 1.
David, Jer. 30. 9. Ez 37. 24,25. Hos 3. 5.
Day’s-Man, Job 9. 33.
Day-Star, 2 Pet. 1. 19.
Deliverer, Rom. 11. 26.
Desire of all Nations, Hag. 2. 7.
Dew, Hos. 14. 5.
Diadem, Isa. 62. 3.
Door of Sheep, John 10. 7.
Eagle, Deut. 32. 11.
Elect, Isa. 42. 1.
Emmanuel, Isa. 7. 14. Mat. 1. 23.
Ensign, Isa. 11. 10
Eternal Life, 1 John 5. 20.
Everlasting Father, Isa. 9. 6.
Express Image, &c. Heb. 1. 3.
Faithful Witness, Rev. 1. 5./ 3. 14./ 19. 11.
Fatted Calf, Luke 15. 23.
Father of Eternity, Isa. 9. 6.
Feeder, Isa. 40. 11.
Finisher of Faith, Heb. 12. 2.
Fir-tree, Hos. 14. 8.
First-Begotten, Rev. 1. 5.
First-Fruits, 1 Cor. 15. 23.
First and Last, Rev. 2. 8.
Flesh, John 1. 14.
Foundation, Isa. 28. 16.
Fountain, Zech. 13. 1.
Forerunner, Heb. 6. 20.
Friend of Sinners, Mat. 11. 19.
Gift of God, 2 Cor. 9. 15.
Glory of God, Isa. 40. 5.
Glorious Lord, Isa. 33. 21.
God, John 1. 1. Rom. 9. 5. 1 Tim 3. 16. 1 John 5. 20.
Gold, Cant.5. 11.
Golden Altar, Rev. 8. 3.
Governor, Mat. 2. 6.
Gracious, 1 Pet. 2. 3.
Guide, Psal. 48. 14.
Habitation, Psal. 91. 9.
Harmless, Heb. 7. 26.
Head of the Church, Col. 1. 18.
Heir of all things, Heb. 1. 2.
Help, Psal. 33. 20. / 40. 17.
Heritage, Isa. 58. 14.
Highest, Psal. 18. 13. Luke 1. 32.
High-priest, Heb. 3. 1. / 7. 1.
Most High, Luke 8. 28
Holy One of God, Mark 1. 24.
Holy One of Israel, Isa. 41. 14.
Holy Child, Acts 4. 30.
Honey-Comb, Cant. 4. 1..
Hope, Acts 28. 20. 1 Tim 1. 1.
Horn of Salvation, Psal. 18. 2.
Husband, Isa. 54. 5. Jer. 31. 32.
I Am, Exod . 3. 14. John 8. 58.
Jacob, Isa. 41. 8 / 44. 1,5.
Jah, Psal. 68. 4.
Jehovah, Isa. 26. 4. / 40. 3.
Jerusalem, Cant. 6. 4.
Jesus, Mat. 1. 21. 1 Thess. 1. 10.
Image of God, Heb. 1. 3.
Immanuel, Isa. 7. 14. Mat. 1. 23.
Immortal, 1 Tim. 1. 17.
Inheritance, Ezek. 44. 28.
Invisible, 1 Tim 1. 17.
Israel, Isa. 44. 21/ 49. 3.
Judah, Rev. 5. 5.
Judge, Mic. 5. 1. Acts 10. 42.
King, Mat. 21. 5./ 25. 34
Ladder, Gen. 28. 12.
Lamb, John 1. 29. Rev. 5. 6.
Lawgiver, Isa. 33. 22. James 4. 12.
Leader, Isa. 55. 4.
Light, John 1. 9. / 8. 12. 12. 46
Life, John 14. 6.
Lion of the tribe of Judah, Rev. 5. 5.
Living God, 1 Tim. 3. 15.
Long-suffering, Ex. 34. 6.
Lord, Rom. 1. 3. Rev. 17. 14.
Lovely, Cant. 5. 16.
Man, Acts 17. 31 1 Tim 2. 5.
Master, Mat. 8. 19. / 23. 8.
Mediator, 1 Tim. 2. 5.
Melchisedeck, Heb. 7. 1.
Merciful, Heb. 2. 17.
Messenger, Mat. 2. 7. / 3. 1.
Michael, Dan. 12. 1. Rev. 12. 7.
Mighty God, Isa. 9. 6. / 63. 1.
Minister, Heb. 8. 2.
Morning Star, Rev. 2. 28 / 22. 16.
Moses, Acts 3. 22.
Nazarite, Mat. 1. 23.
Offspring of David, Rev. 22. 16.
Only Begotten, John 1. 14.
Ointment, Cant. 1. 3.
Passover, 1 Cor. 5. 7.
Plant of Renown, Ezek. 34. 29.
Potentate, 1 Tim. 6. 15.
Prince, Acts 3. 15. / 5. 31.
Prophet, Luke 4. 24. Acts 3. 22.
Propitiation, 1 John 2. 2. / 4. 10.
Power of God, 1 Cor. 1. 24.
Purifier, Mal. 3. 3.
Physician, Mat. 9. 12.
Polished Shaft, Isa. 49. 2.
Priest, Heb. 4. 14. / 7. 26.
Ransom, 1 Tim. 2. 6.
Reaper, Rev. 14. 15.
Redeemer, Isa. 59. 20. / 60. 16.
Resurrection, John 11. 25.
Refiner, Mal. 3. 3.
Refuge, Isa. 25. 4.
Righteousness, Jer. 23. 6.
Rock, Deut. 32. 15. 1 Cor. 10. 4.
Rod and Staff, Isa. 11. 1.
Root of David, Rev. 22. 16.
Roe and Hart, Cant. 2. 9.
Rose of Sharon, Cant. 2. 1.
Ruler in Israel, Mic. 5. 2.
Sacrifice, Eph. 5. 2.
Salvation, Luke 2. 30.
Samaritan, Luke. 10. 33.
Sanctification, 1 Cor. 1. 30.
Sanctuary, Isa. 8. 14.
Seed of Abraham, Gal. 39.
Seed of the Woman, Gen. 3. 15.
Seed of David, 2 Tim. 2. 8.
Second Man, 1 Cor. 15. 45.
Servant, Isa. 42. 1, 19. / 44. 21.
Shepherd, John 10. 11. Heb. 13. 20.
Shield, Gen. 15. 1. Psal. 18. 35.
Shiloh, Gen. 49. 10.
Solomon, Cant. 3. 7. / 8. 11. 12.
Son of God, Mat. 4. 3. / 8. 29.
Son of Man, Mat. 8. 20.
Sower, Mat. 13. 3.
Spirit, 1 Cor. 15. 45. Heb. 9. 14.
Stone Refused, Mat. 21. 42.
Strength of Israel, 1 Sam 15. 29.
Strong God, Psal. 89. Rev. 18. 8.
Substance, Heb. 10. 34.
Sun of Righteousness, Mal. 4. 2.
Surety, Heb. 7.2 2.
Sharp Sword, Isa. 49. 2.
Tabernacle, Heb. 8. 2. / 9. 11.
Teacher, John 3. 2.
Temple, Mark. 14. 58.
Testator, Heb. 9. 16, 17
Treasurer, Luke. 12. 33.
Tree of Life, Rev. 2. 7.
Truth, John 14. 6.
Wine, John 15. 1.
Wall of Fire, Zech. 2. 5.
Way, Isa. 35. 8 John 14. 6.
Well of Living Water, Cant. 4. 15.
Wedding Garment, Mat. 22. 12.
Wisdom of God, 1 Cor. 1. 24.
Witness, Rev. 1. 5. / 34.
Wonderful, Isa. 9. 6./ 28-29
Word of God, Rev. 19. 13.
Worthy, Heb. 3. 3. Rev. 5. 12.
Yesterday, To-day, & Forever, Heb. 13. 8.

Disclosure: Much of what is in my posts are things I have compiled through the years and I do not know if they have copyrights. What I do know about origin or website I give credit and have tried to always post a link to the origin. I do not market anything in any way on this blog -- I merely hope it will encourage and inspire others.
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